Hey Ya'll

I'm Rachel.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Going to Africa to Preach

Going to Africa to Preach

In 2 weeks, I leave for Kenya, Africa!  

When I got my invitation to teach at a trauma and healing conference in a foreign country I was in disbelief.  

Surely, they made a mistake in sending this to me.  

Five years ago I began attending a support group for women affected by the trauma of sexual abuse. I have since began leading small groups in this ministry. Five years ago, I wouldn't have imagined I'd ever see healing in my path to recovery let alone an opportunity to speak in front of hundreds of African women. 

With that being said, I want to take a moment to encourage you. Whatever it is that you're going through (depression, illness, loss, divorce, abuse, infidelity, etc) Christ can make beauty from ashes. He can and He will. I know it sounds far-fetched, oh trust me I know, but I also know it's true.

I know I am just one person with a story of life change. And to be honest, if I didn't see these miraculous transformations for myself on a weekly basis in others lives; I too would be a skeptic. 

But reality is; God is good. 

I had my last vaccination yesterday and I am preparing mentally for the long flight I am about to take. I've flown once (4 months ago!) and I've never been outside the country. I am a fluent English speaker and that is all. It would be perfectly understandable for me to say I'm afraid. But I'm just not. I was at first (about the flight) but not so much now. 

I am sad to be away from my boys for seven days. But I'm excited for this very rare opportunity. I cannot let the lies overtake my mind. I know the truth. I know that I am capable, regardless of my age. I know that my children are safe despite my anxiety. I know my husband loves me no matter what culture tries to tell me. 

I am going to Africa. 

I am prepared. God has laid the path for me to follow. He has never steered me wrong. His mercies are always new. His promises are steadfast. His plans are bigger than my own. 

I trust Him. 

Letting Go of Lies After Sexual Abuse

Letting Go of Lies After Sexual Abuse

Do You Have a Death Sentence

Do You Have a Death Sentence